If you keep doing what you are doing….

I came across this quote a while back:

“If you keep doing what you are doing,

you will keep getting what you are getting”

If you keep doing what you are doing, You will keep getting what you are getting.png

I like this quote because I find it very empowering. It suggests that what we do on a daily basis has a significant impact on what life appears to dish up for us. Of course we cannot be in control of everything, but we are probably in control of more than we think. It makes me consider how our everyday habits, routines, ways of approaching situations build up over time and have a big influence over how we live in the world and our experiences.

Many people when looking at this quote (myself included) will first think about the negative things in their lives, and about how what they are doing everyday is feeding these negative things. For example, you may be out of shape - in this situation the link between lack of exercise with the outcome can be quite clear. Or you may have a difficult working relationship with a colleague - in this situation how you are influencing that situation may be less clear, as perhaps you feel the blame really all lies with that colleague! But consider, do you make an effort to be friendly? Do you smile at them in the corridor? Or have you set up a mental barrier that means you are treating them differently to everyone else? And what might happen if you tried to change this?

Looking at aspects of your life that you perceive as being negative, and considering how your daily habits are shaping these can be useful, as you can then put in place deliberate strategies to create new daily habits to instigate positive change.


But now look at the quote again, and consider this, is everything in your life bad? For most people, there are both negative and positive things going on in their lives, but for some reason we are drawn to think a lot about the bad, and really forget about the good. This quote can also be used to remind you of the good things in your life, and your achievements. Don’t forget these! Daily routines and habits have also helped you gain and now maintain positive things! So, in the same way as considering what daily habits and routines are not serving you, it is equally, if not even more valuable to consider what in your daily approach to life is bringing you positive results. Having clarity on what it is that you are doing every day that brings you positive results, can remind you to stick with these habits, or dial them up for even better results!

So to wrap up, this quote can act as a reminder that it can be worth while pausing every now and again to look over your life, considering what daily habits and routines have brought you to where you are now, what is not serving you, and what is serving you. This can be a very empowering activity, and has certainly helped me - I hope it will help you too :)

Fabia x


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